You have half cup of water... what's next?

The is another version that I have heard from a business meeting recently of the story "half cup of water".

The speaker said, this is not a matter of optimistic (half full) or pessimistic (half empty) anymore.

It's all about how to make yr half cup of water to be full -
either use a smaller cup, or buy a bigger drink.
Both ways come from an aggressive mind set to change the status quo.
Things change all the time and we should move on
and not be bounded by optimistic or pessimistic.

This inspires me how I think with God's grace -
it's already there and whether you take it or leave it,
and did you make yourself ready to take it.
(and God is always well prepared)



2010大娛樂家 ~ 縱貫線 Super Band

第一次看(聽)四個男人唱歌是去年12月24日 - 基甸喜樂合唱團, 由他們唱出來的詩歌, 令人難忘感動。
昨晚Super Band 縱貫線四個男人的演唱會, 雖然是流行曲, 但音樂和歌聲裏帶着的熱情和感情, 都令人感動, 至少我看到前排的一對四、五十歲的夫婦 natural high, 非常投入。
我和音樂的距離, 好像又走近了一步。


Hello 2010!

2009 . 12 . 31
放假, 中午料理好Dor Dor 的三餐和便盆, 入camp, 看完杜麗莎表演沒有倒數便睡了。
Dor Dor 在家獨自送走了2009。

2010 . 01 . 01
半睡半醒的渡過了一晚, 與弟兄姊妹談了很多話題, 下午回到家中,
Dor Dor 仍是老樣子(貪吃),
明天是周末, 真好。

期待自己在2010年更積極, 無論個人、信仰、工作都是如此。